About Us

Hi there! We are Rob & Karin, the founders of Simply Effective. Our journey began in 2019 when we met in Thailand. It was love at first sight and... Sorry, you came here to read about the company. :)

A few months after meeting and doing long distance, Karin decided to move over to the U.K from her native Sweden. Rob had been using his own home made natural deodorant for a few months and had been raving about the results to anybody who would listen. Karin was very sceptical as she is a bit of a sweaty betty. After two whole months of nagging from Rob, she finally tried it. And guess what - it worked better than anything else she had ever tried!

We then tested the market and tried all of the bestsellers. Surely these would work better than the one Rob had quickly knocked up? It would also save us the hassle of having to make a new one each time. We were left very underwhelmed with what we tried. A seed was planted. Months of trial and error followed. Literally thousands of essential oil combinations were smelled and rated. Finally, we created a product that ticked all of the boxes and in 2020, Simply Effective was officially launched.

We are still a small two person business. All of our products are hand made and packed by us in our own little workshop. We are 100% plastic free, vegan/cruelty free and now offer refills to reduce single usage. We are proud of our little business and the ethics it follows but it has only been able to take shape because of you. We're so grateful to every single customer who has supported us since day one. Your kind words really do make it all worthwhile and we are always trying to learn and become better.

Thank you! Rob & Karin.